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Logo des Fachgebietes Sehen, Sehbeeinträchtigung & Blindheit. Horizontaler Strich, der die Farben des für Menschen sichtbaren Farbspektrums zeigt, darunter steht die Fachgebietsbezeichnung
Fakultät Rehabilitationswissenschaften

Thesis topics

In our deparmtent you have the opportunity to write scientific theses (Bachelor's or Master's) on different topics. Here you find the important in­for­mation on thesis topics. Theses can be experimental (qualitative or quantitative) or literature works.

You are interested in writing a thesis in our de­part­ment? Then read our documents on how to make contact for a thesis before you contact us.

Here you find the focus topics for theses. If you are interested in one of these topics, please contact the stated contact person. 

Furthermore, you can find each team member's own current research topics on the team page. You can also inform yourself through the team page and contact the respective person if you have interested in a specific topic.

If you want to write your thesis in our de­part­ment but cannot find your desired focus topic, feel free to contact us anyway.